All about equine ultrasound machines
Ultrasound machines are required to spot the internal injuries or unfavorable growths which cannot be seen with normal eyes. These machines channel the ultrasonic pulses inside the body to the parts which require inspection. They are also used in detecting the movements of the fetus inside the body and also in detecting stones in the kidneys.
However, when it comes to the ultrasound machines used for animals, the task of choosing the correct equipment becomes difficult. It has to be portable so that it can be carried to any place without extra hard work as the larger animals like horses cannot be brought inside the lab. There are equine ultrasound machines available for horses to deal with their scanning and imaging in veterinary medicine.
The application of equine ultrasound can be done in three types. They can be used for performing sports medicine ultrasound as horses are used in major sports and get injured every second day, so getting them treated becomes a priority. These injuries can include broken bones, torn ligaments or even a damaged meniscus. Ultrasound helps the veterinarians to get the speedy recovery of the horses. There are also reproduction ultrasounds which helps the veterinarians to get the information about the reproductive system of horses. It is vital in checking the condition of pregnancy in mares. This also serves the purpose of increasing the breeding process of them. There are several other uses of ultrasound machines for horses, like it can be used to evaluate fat thickness, rib eye area, and intramuscular fat in the equines. It is also used in detecting any anomalies in the unborn.
The diagnosis of horses demands specialized phenomenon. The tendon imaging needs high resolution, precise field scanning along with simple and easy to handle measurement tools. It is necessary to have an appropriate ultrasound incision technology for abdominal and cardiac imaging. It demands an excellent imaging feature. The machines need to be portable along with the superior image quality for the veterinarians to carry the procedure swiftly. The manufacturers of these types of equine ultrasound machine have come up with the new and highly featured devices that can be handled effortlessly by the veterinarians. A brief is also provided to the purchasing parties while buying them. The interested authority can purchase the equipments online as well.