A Simple Guide to taking Ultrasound technician Classes Online
If you are looking to get into the veterinary field, a nice entryway is to become an ultrasound technician. These days Ultrasound technology classes aren't too hard to find. They can be taken at a college, university, community college or a vocational school and they usually can take up to 2-4 years to graduate, depending on the degree you want. Most that take the classes prefer the two year programs because they are eager to start working in their desired field. Many though are not able to enroll as a full time student due to work and other responsibilities, but that shouldn't stop you from pursuing your career. Thankfully today it is possible to take classes online in order to become an ultrasound technician. This is great because it allows you to make your own schedule and learn at your own pace. The following points will discuss how these classes work and which ones are the best.
Figure out which tech programs are accredited and avoid those that aren't
Of the many programs, there are currently only four sonographer programs that are accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Allied Health Education Program. Basically, if you choose any other type of online sonography program out there then they won't be recognized as accredited. Once you complete an accredited ultrasound tech course online you will be ready to take the American registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography exams. Once you pass these exams you will be a certified sonographer!
Sonographers that are certified can reach a salary of $50,000 within a fews years from graduation and can later reach of maximum potential of around $85,000 with experience.
The Ultrasound Technician Schools Online that ARE accredited
Not every state will require you to get certified in sonography, but many ultrasound techs register with a credentializing organization so that their training and expertise is authentic in the eyes of future employers. The American Registry for diagnostic medical sonography (ARDMS) administers an exam to qualified, trained ultrasound techs and passing it will get you certified as a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS). These exams can only be taken after an accredited songography program has been completed. Other such groups include the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists and the Cardiovascular Credentialing International.These groups will usually require that you continue your education to maintain your certification, so you need to remember to constantly be on top of your progress as a technician.
The following four online universities feature accredited online sonography programs:
- Washburn University-Located in the Kansas state area and known as one of the best online ultrasound technician schools
- Jackson Community college-located in the Jackson region of Michigan State and known to be a highly reputable school
- Mountain State University-found in the Beckley region of West Virginia state
- The Mayo Clinic-has one of the highest online enrollments of all 4 schools
Most online Sonography classes will have you spending a certain amount of hours in an actual hospital or classroom so that you can learn things like how to operate and maintain an ultrasound machine, proper patient positioning, and of course some basic safety precautions. With that in mind it's good to remember that while online classes are certainly more convenient, no program is available 100% online only. Hopefully this information has helped you become more equipped to take on the medical or veterinary field and pursue a career that you truly enjoy!